Summary of Assessment
There are three Units to complete.
Unit 1: Exploring the Media
Section A: Representations assesses your knowledge and understanding of the representation of gender and events in relation to any of the media forms studied – advertising, video games and newspapers. There is one stepped question based on unseen print-based resource material related to advertising, video games or newspapers.
Section B: Music assesses your knowledge and understanding of media language, representation, media industries and audiences. There is one stepped question and two single questions.
Unit 2: Understanding Television and Film
Section A: Wales on Television assesses your knowledge of media industries, audiences, media language and representation. There is one stepped question based on the set ‘Wales on Television’ product chosen by the centre. The final part of this question requires an extended response where the quality of written communication will be assessed.
Section B: Contemporary Hollywood Film assesses your knowledge and understanding of media industries, audiences and media language. There is one stepped question and two single questions.
Unit 3: Creating Media
- A media production, including individual research and planning, created in response to a choice of briefs set by WJEC, and applying knowledge and understanding of key concepts.
- An individual reflective analysis of the production.

Media Studies
Past Papers and Mark Schemes
The following pdf files from WJEC’s website will open in new tabs. The exam boards also provide some modified papers which can be accessed by clicking this link.
Assessment Objectives
AO1: Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of media studies
AO2 :Apply knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of media studies to analyse media products and evaluate your own practical work
AO3: Research, develop and create media products for an intended audience, by applying knowledge and understanding of concepts of media studies to communicate meaning.